Posts Tagged Amanda Wortham
If this coloring looks odd, it’s because my computer crashed four times while trying to get it done. For some reason, Photoshop CS5 and my computer aren’t getting along well at the moment.
And now we start to see just what is going on with Hazel and her suspension. Sorry for the delays. Hopefully we’ll be back on track for a while again.
A new page! And the plot gets to move along a bit further. Sorry for the delays, but life happens. It was Nellie’s anniversary so she hand her husband went on a bit of a trip. I can’t blame her[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Finally got something new for the comic going. Sorry for the delay. I’ve been playing around with some stuff in CS3 for effects and ran out of time. Not sure I like the current shading/highlights. They seem to be my[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…