Due to my own stupidity, I didn’t have the comic ready to go for Sunday, so here’s a filler that was put together by my friend, Pablo Alberto Ordeñana, who is not only a great artist, but a wonderful opera singer as well. Drop by his web site and let him know what you think.
Maus_MerryJest on FurAffinity.Net
Pablo ALberto Ordeñana on FaceBook
I like…though the pathing for her tail seems a bit…off.
Beautiful! But the tail seems tobe out of place, unless that dress has a lot more folds to it. very small nit to pick on a really great rendition of Hazel. Seeing this really makes easy to agree with the FNG that she is ‘hot’. And where is he from, anyway? Hazel obviously has sensed something about him that she likes. What would mom say if she brought him home????
Did anyone notice her right hand is backwards??????
Colonel: Now that you mention it, yeah…