Sorry for the late strip. Time Warner had a “planned outage” about the time I was ready to upload. Glad they let their customers know about these planned outages in advance!
Sorry for the late strip. Time Warner had a “planned outage” about the time I was ready to upload. Glad they let their customers know about these planned outages in advance!
Ahhhh…. so we meet Hazel’s family now. Easy to see that while she may have received her ‘enhancements’ from her father, she definitely inherited her looks from her mother (if that is who we are meeting here, had sudden thought it could be a sibling)…. how to explain her suspension is still ongoing and that a witch hunt is beginning… or to hide the truth?
…and how she used her left hand on a right handed scanner? 😛
No worries with that Wolfpax. We had used palm scanners at several installations for a while. The early ones had a right hand outline but you could use either. The second gen had no hand markings so they looked less obvious but after complaints from idiot managers who wanted an outline the newer ones have four fingers and two thumbs to show ambidexterity. Funnily they are now being phased out in favour of newer single digit print scanners combined with RFID.
Unfortunately, the script actually DID call for her to use her right hand and for a reason. Although it does have some biometrics in the scan, it’s also looking for a futuristic RFID type device that’s implanted in the hand at birth.
No big deal, though. It’s just a comic. =^_^=
To prove the insanity of the people I work with, we have a tech who absolutely detests his RFID EACS card as he has a habit of forgetting it. He actually petitioned our security people to allow him to get a secure version of the sub dermal RFID chip your pet gets implanted so he would always have it on him…. oddly enough the betting pool favoured him getting a “Yes” response… but he was disappointed when security turned him down and instead offered a keyfob to go on his keyring! He still regularly forgets his photo ID anyway
We’re actually updating our system at work; what a pain…none of the cards work: including the NEW cards. Plus right now the picture on mine looks like a New Mexico granite outcropping…because they can’t FIND my actual picture. Gah…life goes on. On a lighter note: I once read a story where the security systems used your soul for ID…but the scientists had proven that nobody had one. 😛
Hmmmm… ID based on your soul?? Sounds intriguing… would be interesting to be the people who made that work…. truly proving the old adage that says “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic”… or in this case from spiritualism… you have me hooked…. must see if I can ID and find the book…
Move. The. Ear. ;p