Interesting room. Wonder what’s with the read light? And why bother putting her hair back up in a tail? So many questions…
Good news. I’ll probably be starting a new job in a couple of weeks which means funding for the comic will no longer be an issue. Look forward to regular updates. =^_^=
Red light is probably for vision reasons. Red light is less irritating to eyes adapted to night vision and also normal eyes adapt quicker to lower light levels if they are used to red light. This is normal routine for naval operations centers such as the bridge of submarines.
Why am I getting a vision of Clint Eastwoods’ controller in the “Eiger Sanction”?? This is going to be “interesting” THE COLONEL
But why is she taking off her boots???? WCJ
BTW… Congrats on the job.. Now if I can just find one…..WCJ
And if that is needed[security, bio-protection/contamination?] what’s next, the body-stocking??? And just how does a furry get into one of those things without rubbing her fur the wrong way?????? THE COL.
” And just how does a furry get into one of those things without rubbing her fur the wrong way??????”
Practice. Lots of practice!
Congrats on the new job….
as for the red light… my first guesses of vision and decom are covered…. only other would be as warning for environmental conditions (have worked at sites that used blue light for cold protect environs, red for heat protect and violet for low/reduced oxy environs….)