Sorry for the long post Christmas (and unexpected) hiatus. My wacom died, so I’m having Nelly do the coloring as well. We should be back to the 2 week schedule from here on. If I get a job I’m trying for, I may actually be able to afford every week (assuming Nelly can handle the load).
We’ll see what happens. Meanwhile, enjoy!
I’m interested to see what my namesake looks like. nice to have the strip back on line. good luck with the job also. Me, I’m still looking, no fun. THE COLONEL
1. YAY you’re back!
2. Oh man, this could get awkward….
Hmmmm….. from experience, “Whenever you arrive, drop by my office” was usually one of the better meetings…. the “Where the expletive is he? Get him here now!” was the not so good meeting…. even if 99% of the time it was simply a matter of setting the record straight the opening salvo still sucked.
Unfortunately for Hazel, I worry that this is the beginning of the flack from Ms Wortham’s machinations.